Prof. Awad Saad Hassan, vice-chancellor of the university, chaired the Senate Meeting No.2-2021, in the main (western campus). Prof Hassan welcomed the senate members and wished peace and mercy for souls of all members who passed away.
The vice chancellor gave a presentation in which he reviewed the achievements that took place in the period between the last two senate meetings, the most prominent of which was the university hosting the first part specialized exam for medical graduates electronically, which was held by Sudan Medical Specialization Board (SMSB), which qualifies medical doctors as representatives in the specialty they desire. In this regard, Professor Awad appealed to all faculties to go for electronic exams, praising the Faculties of Business Studies and Computer Science for implementing this, arguing that this helps a lot in implementing the slogan launched by the university (rationalization of expenditure and increase of resources).
His Excellency introduced the members of the Senate of the ceremony of receiving the Japanese grant to the College of Music and Drama, which was granted a set of musical instruments at a value of 71,000 US dollars.
Professor Awad also briefed the council’s membership on the implementation of the recommendations of the committee, that was formed to reduce the burden of living on workers, by providing free breakfast to all workers in the various university campuses, declaring that breakfast will be subsidized for employees and students with a minimal charge.
His Excellency announced the establishment of the chemical incubator for waste recycling at the College of Engineering and Technology of Industries, explaining that the Governor of Khartoum has been contacted, who agrees to find a mechanism for providing waste to the incubator, which in turn produces distinguished tiles.
Furthermore, the vice chancellor explained to the council the university’s plan to completely switch to electronic systems, announcing the transformation of the human resources and financial management to the new digital system in mid-October, in addition to new archiving the information of all university staff and also archiving the university’s assets.
Moreover, his excellency explained to the membership of the Council about the visit of the World Bank delegation to the National Project for Livelihoods to the University and their plan to allocate funds to finance projects targeting youth, students and women through incubators to ensure decent livelihood.
In addition to all of the above, Professor Awad praised the role of the Deanship of Libraries Affairs in maintaining the university’s first position for the twelfth consecutive time in the Webometrics World Classification of Digital Repositories in its latest edition in September 2021.
Professor Awad Saad also praised the efforts of professors and researchers that helped the university achieve the first rank at the level of Sudanese universities and progressing globally in Webometrics Ranking for Universities in its latest edition in July 2021, and he also praised the efforts of SUST website’s administration in re-arranging the website that resulted in this progress. In this regard, he appealed to the necessity of uniting efforts and exerting more effort, each in his position in one team system, to facilitate access to the universality that the university aspires to, explaining that by joining forces, we will cross and achieve the desired goal.
The council approved the results of examinations as follows.
The council approved the following proposals.