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Important Announcement: Registration of Bachelor Students (Common, Private, BTech Admission)

The Deanship of Admission and Registration congratulates all first year students of the academic year 2019/2020 who have been successfully transferred to the second year, the third semester of the academic year 2020/2021, and wishes you further excellence and success.

Based on the academic calendar that was announced by the Secretariat of Scientific Affairs, registration to the third semester takes place from 6/6/2021 until 8/7/2021, and the start of the study on 1/8/2021.

Accordingly, the registration procedures must be completed quickly so that the management of the electronic platform can carry out linking processes smoothly and avoiding problematic issues in the registration of courses.

Students can register through the service points of the Deanship of Admission and Registration (Service points in the main campus or the southern campus).  Electronic Bank Payments can be made through Omdurman National Bank (ONB) app (OCASH), or Faisal Islamic Bank App (Fawri).

Students who receive discounts should refer back to the Registration Department, and students with academic cases should consult the academic advisor in their colleges and departments.

All students must abide by the strict health precautions, respecting the covid19 prevention protocols.
