Sudan University for Science and Technology is glad to announce the opening of the application for academic exchange for staff with Çankırı Karatekin University within the scope of Erasmus+ mobility exchange program for the 2021-2022 academic year starting from 04 October 2021 to 02 June 2022
Who can apply?
Staff Teaching/Training Mobility
Priority is for first time beneficiaries of Erasmus+ Program
Application start and end date
Host university website (Turkish)
Course Catalogue:
Quota for the mobilities
How to Apply?
Erasmus grant
Staff Teaching/Training Mobility (5 Days)
After the mobility
Academic and administrative staff who have completed the staff mobility activity should submit the following documents to International Relations Office:
Please remember that ...
Incoming staff are responsible for all living expenses including transportation to and from CAKU, room and board, HEALTH INSURANCE and miscellaneous expenses while at CAKU.
Incoming staff agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Cankiri Karatekin University.
The Erasmus grant is going to be paid on Friday %100 if the activities are completed.