Dr. Adil Mohammad Al-Tayyib Arabi, Dean of the Institute for Family and Community Development, addressed the closing ceremony of the training course in developing home improvements for orphans' mothers, which came under the slogan "Producers", which was organized by the Institute in cooperation with Dr. Ashraf Essawy Center for Alternative Medicine.
وقال الدكتور عادل في كلمته إن الدورة إستهدفت أمهات الأيتام لأجل مساعدتهم في رفع قدراتهم وتنمية مهاراتهم لأداء دورهم في رعاية الايتام مشيراً لإستعداد المعهد لإقامة العديد من هذه الدورات التدريبية في هذا المجال ومجالات أخرى إسهاماً في رفع المستوى الإقتصادي والمعيشي لأفراد المجتمع خاصة الشرائح الضعيفة.
Dr. Ashraf Essawy confirmed that he is ready to provide all his scientific and practical experiences to raise the competencies of mothers of orphans in particular and mothers in general. At the end of the ceremony, certificates were distributed to the students in the training course.