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معا لطريق آمن .. سمنار علمي لطلاب علوم الاتصال بجامعة السودان

Students of the Department of Public Relations and Advertising, batch (13) at the College of Communication Science, Sudan University of Science and Technology (SUST), presented a scientific seminar about awareness campaigns on traffic rules and controls under the slogan (Together for a safe road without accidents).

Under the supervision of Dr. Salih Musa and in the presence of Dr. Al-Mahdi Suleiman Al-Mahdi, Dean of the College, Police Captain Sarah Saif Al-Din, Director of the Media Department of the Khartoum State Traffic Police, staff members from the traffic police, college professors, and a group of students and those interested in the issue.

Dr. Al-Mahdi Suleiman expressed his happiness with the scientific seminar and praised the students who organized it.
